Data Modeling
Defining the containers for data and how these containers will relate to each other in a database system is the
first step in the creation of a database. It is the basis for a database system to perform well and correspond adequately to the
needs of a business system.
UML, Unified Modeling Language is the language used generally, with each DBMS having slightly different modeling
To meet the requirements of expanding businesses, a logical structure is given to a database after evaluating the number
of possible uses of the data, sales data to accounting data, today's data and data to be acquired ....
Among other matters will be considered questions such as: replication, speed of execution, transactions and server load, etc.
Database structures have a lifetime which will be increased from a careful analysis of Company needs present and future.
View sample structure diagrams on this page created from different sources, either Rational Rose or SQL Server's interface
utilities. To protect client information, the logical constructs are out of focus.